Frozen Jablanica Lake

As I have said in previous posts this month, wintertime as been unusually harsh to us. Sunny winter days are mostly gone, and are replaced with moody skylines which color the landscapes grey. During a recent drive to the court in Konjic, I stopped by the Jablanica Lake which is usually picture perfect. This the the situation was a bit different. The (artificial) lake is almost completely drained, almost reduced to a river in parts.

The little bits of water that are still flowing through the deep basin are mostly frozen, creating an eerie atmosphere, but also interesting landscape images.

I stopped my car alongside the road on a surface mostly covered with ice in order to get on a bridge. I don't recommend doing that in ice, but I felt a bit adventurous. The footpath of the bridge was mostly covered in ice, so I had to be extra careful not to slip (especially in my dress shoes) which are slippery to begin with.

I was walking mostly from one side of the bridge to the other to take the photos. My little excursion didn't last long as I walked out of the car only in my suit, which didn't offer much protection from the dooming cold.

Snow started falling in Konjic. Shown above is the Cuprija bridge in the old part of the town. My court session didn't last long so I had some time to walk through the city in the morning and take these photos. I think my main goal was to get back home to Mostar before more snowfall would cover the rest of the country. Luckily for me I got back home before any real new snow could hinder me.

How is winter treating you guys?

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Frozen Jablanica Lake
Frozen Jablanica Lake
Reviewed by fashion
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Rating : 4.5

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