Frosty Days in Sarajevo [Through My Lens Nr.76]

Winter is not coming. Winter is here! A relatively enjoyable start into the new year has been turned on its head in the past couple of days. The whole country has been dealing with freezing temperatures, even Mostar in the south, which has mild winters has not been spared. Last week I made a trip to Sarajevo. Though cold in the beginning, the real shock came when we were about to return home the next day. Heavy snowfall had been covering the whole country and our journey back home was not only in question but a safety risk as well.

The visit to Sarajevo was a very enjoyable one. The city is still decorated and various winter markets are still open. You can enjoy a night out (though very cold) or roam the city during the day. Sarajevo is always busy and full of life (though I did manage to capture the quiet side of it during our 6 PM walk on a non-working day).

As I said the real surprise came the next morning when I woke up and looked out of the window. We are southerners in our country, which means that we are not used to snow as much. Mostar has a Mediterranean climate, much different then the one here in Sarajevo.

In the end we made it home safely, as the roads were relatively quickly cleaned, but still the cold kept on coming. It's freezing outside and it's best to stay inside. But with a new work week starting that will be an issue of course.  

How is winter treating you? I hope you will all stay warm.Thanks for visiting and make sure to link up your posts below!

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Frosty Days in Sarajevo [Through My Lens Nr.76]
Frosty Days in Sarajevo [Through My Lens Nr.76]
Reviewed by fashion
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Rating : 4.5

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