New Haven to Narraganset: A Drive Along the Atlantic Coast [Part 11]

We had an amazing 5 days in New York City, filled with big city life and excitement. It was time to move on though and continue back to the states of New England and back to our road trip. We left NYC fairly early in the day. Rain started to fall somewhat and would continue to do so throughout the day, which was a shame since we had planed to walk outside a lot. It wouldn't hinder us though in enjoying the day. Our first stop was New Haven and a visit to the Yale University. We moved on along the Atlantic Coast towards Mystic and would eventually spend the night in the coastal city of Narraganset in Rhode Island.

Arrival in New Haven

We had a bit of a shock when we arrived in New Haven, since it started snowing! While the day hadn't stated out that way, it did start to snow around the city premise. Luckily for us, the snow wouldn't catch on or turn to ice (we had some driving ahead), but it ruined our exploration of New Haven completely since it was ice cold outside. We did have umbrellas but with the camera gear and the rest of our things moving around was very hard. We found a great coffee shop filled with students on their laptops.

Frank Pepe's Pizza

The most incredible pizza (in life) was eaten by us in New Haven's Italian district, namely in the restaurant called Frank Pepe's Pizza. Each of us had one pizza and we ordered 4 different ones. They only serve 6 kinds of pizza but each one is better then the next. This comes highly recommended. While we were there people were just buzzing in and out, taking pizzas home. The restaurant is filled with people, but waiting for a spot doesn't take long. They also serve a signature Tomato Pie, which we didn't try.


Next stop was the town of Mystic. This is a quintessential New England town with a church, main street, little shops, cafes and a amazing draw bridge. We stopped for some ice cream here, and took a stroll along main street, until heading out for Rhode Island.

Nightfall in Narraganset

We arrived in Narraganset after night fall, so we didn't really see much of it, until the next morning. We booked our stay in the "Atlantic House" hotel which is located right next to the Atlantic Ocean. Strong winds from the ocean swirled up the fresh salty sea water into the air. It was all very dramatic looking, especially the waves of the ocean. I couldn't just stay in our room, I had to go out and explore the town at night. Selma and I bravely headed out into the night. Though wet and windy it wasn't too cold. The sight of the ocean at night only lit up by surrounding houses was amazing.

A Sunny Morning

The next morning was luckily sunny and the ocean calmed down. We could truly enjoy the town. It's very beautiful with great houses dotted along the coast line. The morning stroll was filled with kind people, cute dogs being walked, and sunny seascapes.

Only one more post before we arrive to the last city of our journey which was Boston. The next post will be devoted to the Cliff Walk in Newport and America's Hometown of Plymouth with its amazingly rich history. I hope you'll enjoy these last few posts from New England.

End of Part Eleven
To be continued...

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New Haven to Narraganset: A Drive Along the Atlantic Coast [Part 11]
New Haven to Narraganset: A Drive Along the Atlantic Coast [Part 11]
Reviewed by fashion
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Rating : 4.5

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