Christmas Market in Mostar 2016

Mostar has been usually very quiet in the winter season. Gone are the masses of tourists, cold winds and short days take people back home. This winter there has been some change. The city has commissioned a Christmas Market, something the city has been lacking in the previous years. My sister Jasmina and I visited it last year. While it's not so grand and pompous like the Christmas Markets in the rest of Europe it does bring people together. The market features a ice skating range, food, music, shops, drinks, horses, a big blue Christmas tree, and a little Coca Cola truck. I want to show you some images of it I made, so I hope you will enjoy them.

Thank you all for visiting. Do your towns have Christmas Markets? What do they look like?

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Christmas Market in Mostar 2016
Christmas Market in Mostar 2016
Reviewed by fashion
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Rating : 4.5

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